and Research

To understand today’s conflict, it is imperative to have evidence-based information produced by experts and academics in the field. iSCAN’s trainings are informed by sound knowledge produced by its community of experts and contributors. We do this because we recognize that conflicts are dynamic hence having reliable and update information is vital in understanding and responding to conflicts.

We welcome knowledge contribution that would help us better understand international security and global conflicts. As a Knowledge Contributor, you are solely responsible for the information contained in the provided materials. The content of resources contained in the contributions reflect the views of the authors and/or contributors.

Contributions can be in the form of a study or a research paper, a book, or other materials (e.g. links to videos) that could help us better understand the conflicts.

iSCAN contributors enjoy the privilege to become references to other studies conducted in the area of international security and conflict analysis. Contributions are listed on iSCAN website which is visited by a growing community of interested people.

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Disclaimer: The content in the resources provided here reflect the opinions of the authors and/or contributors.

This infographic shows a developmental scheme: work together, learn, brainstorm, work, share, build your community. Each step is depicted by a small colorful icon conceptually realated. It all is included in a spiral.
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