Our Stratgic Approach

To solve today’s complex conflicts, we need to rethink the way we act to solve them. A smarter, multistakeholder, and evidence-based approach is required.
  • Provide a professional platform for systemic analysis of international security challenges;
  • Create an environment to develop strategies for impactful interventions, conflict management, and conflict resolution;
  • Develop a professional community of international security practitioners and experts from the public institutions, civil
    society organizations, the business community, young
    professionals and students to inform iSCAN strategies;
  • Provide an environment to learn, debate, and exchange on international security and conflicts through the lenses of human security;
  • Generate value-added resources on international security and possible solution scenarios;
  • Become a source of evidence-based understanding of conflicts and strategies for interventions;
  • Serve as an advocacy platform for peace and security;
  • Contribute to the overall goal of the United Nations and the international community to promote peace and security;
  • Contribute to the achievement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, specifically Sustainable Development Goal 16 (peace, justice, and strong institutions).
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Wagramer Strasse 25, 1220, Vienna, Austria

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